Huddle Hub One delivers powerful results with a competitive edge No more untangling wires or seeking IT assistance or reading manuals before a client presentation. Just group together with your colleagues to discuss business, or brainstorm on new ideas wirelessly.
Bring Your Own Device portability ensures you can comfortably watch the presentation on your laptop/ tablet/ smartphone. Forget the TV screen.
Allows efficient collaboration and communication using only the embedded screen and camera of laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Enables you to connect your wireless mobile device and present its screen directly to other's screens.
Up to 4 participants at the same session can present simultaneously.
Make your presentation on more than one TV screen.
A single Huddle Hub One unit offers 4 simultaneous & independent sessions for 4 rooms. Each room with up to 64 participants totaling to 256 participants.
USB webcam becomes wireless and you don't need cables to use it in the Video Conference.
Huddle Hub One adds individual streams from embedded cameras to the Video Conference layout. True wireless!
For further details download datasheet